
Avoid Getting Ripped Off on Replacement Windows, Entry Doors and Roofing.

Right up there with visiting the dentist and tax preparation, shopping for home improvement services is one of the most dreaded tasks a homeowner takes on. The Better Business Bureau of Western PA receives approximately 9,000 complaints each year on over 151 different industries.  The shocking part? 25% of those complaints are about the home improvement industry! In addition to that, nationwide, over 52% of homeowners say that they were dissatisfied with the worked done by their contractors. How can you avoid being dissatisfied? Don’t get blindsided! The next few posts will point out areas where homeowners are blindsided and what to avoid.

Being Blindsided #1 Homeowners Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

Most homeowners focus on the product being sold rather than the company that is doing the work. While it is important to have a quality product, even the best product on the market will fail if it is not installed properly. Not only that, but in almost every case, improper installation will actually void your warranty. That is one reason that it is so important to choose a company with trained and qualified employee installers. Many companies have their products installed with sub-contractors who are paid for each piece they install. This can cause a problem when the subcontractors are rushing through your job to get to the next one to maximize their profit potential in a day. Employee installers are typically knowledgeable on the product and since they get paid by the hour, not by the piece, they are more likely to put the time and care needed into your project, particularly because they usually have the company’s reputation to protect.

Another factor that you might not consider when searching for a contractor is continuing education. Homes today are not built they same way they were 20 and 30 years ago. Advancements in building materials and techniques have made homes more air-tight and susceptible to mold and moisture build up then they used to be. This is especially important when investing in a new roof, as attic ventilation has become a critical component of any new roofing job. If the roofing contractor you are thinking of hiring is not discussing roofing ventilation, start looking for someone else.  Choosing a contractor who is using out-dated methods and does not make the effort to continue to educate themselves on industry innovations can lead to major problems down the road.

Finally, with so many home improvement companies utilizing subcontractors for their installation, do you really have a knowledgeable crew working on your house? These workers are often paid under the table and work on a temporary basis, meaning that when the work is gone, they are too. Again this is the type of situation that leads to shoddy work and installation defects. Don’t let this happen to you. Ask your sales consultant about the experience and work history of the people installing your products. If they can’t tell you anything about the workers, that could be a sign that they are using sub-contractors.

1 comment:

  1. The installation of your new replacement windows has made your home more air-tight and energy efficient. Over the years, you will save considerable energy dollars and enjoy a more comfortable living environment as a result of your investment.

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